Website: http://um.dk/en/danida-en/
Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) is a term for Danish international development aid, carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, in order to provide humanitarian aid and development assistance to other countries. The focus of DANIDA is promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth in developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East.
Activities of DANIDA with CAP:
1. Survey and study on household living standard to complement VHLSS 2004, in collaboration with University of Copenhagen, CIEM, ILSSA, funded by DANIDA (2006)
2. Support the organization of the Coffee Outlook Conference 2008, funded by DANIDA project (2008)
3. Project on building model to analysis the household monitoring database – Phase 1, funded by DANIDA (2008)
4. Establishing a database on environmental and natural resource issues of the agricultural and rural development sector in Vietnam – Phase 1, funded by DANIDA (2008)
5. Project on building model to analysis the household monitoring database – Phase 2, funded by DANIDA (2009)
6. Establishing a database on environmental and natural resource issues of the agricultural and rural development sector in Vietnam – Phase 2, funded by DANIDA (2009)
7. Organizing The Agricultural Outlook Conference 2010, funded by DANIDA and SMEs project/ Spanish Embassy (2010)
8. Income Shocks and Household Risk-Coping Strategies: The Role of Formal Insurance in Rural Vietnam, funded by DANIDA project (2011)
9. Constraints to market participation in agriculture in Vietnam, funded by DANIDA project (2011)
10. Support the organization of Agricultural Outlook Conference 2012, funded by DANIDA project (2012)
11. Agriculture and Rural development Sector Support Program (ARD SPS) funded by DANIDA, (2007-2013)
12. Organizing The Agricultural Outlook Conference 2013, funded by DANIDA, FAO, ANZ (2013)